Young's modulus wire experiment pdf

Pdf youngs modulus measurement of metal wires using fbg sensor. Uniaxial tension and compression testing of materials. A novel youngs modulus measurement scheme based on fiber bragg gratings fbg is proposed and demonstrated experimentally. So technically, the young s modulus is whatever it is for the material that the wire mesh is made out of. Each frame has a torsion head at the upper side and a hook at the lower side. From that data you will compute youngs modulus for copper and plot a. An apparatus to measure youngs modulus high point, nc. Take two steel wires of same length and diameter and tight their ends in torsion screws a, b and c, d as shown in diagram.

The young modulus e of a wire is a measure of the stiffness of. Suppose, a spring of radius r is made out of a wire of length r. In the experiments, a section of 1 m long copper wire with a diameter of 0. Nov 25, 2016 to determine youngs modulus of elasticity of the material of a given wire. The reference wire and test wire made of the selected material are hung from the ceiling.

Measure the diameter of the wire using a micrometer. In this demo we measured the value of youngs modulus for a copper wire. Youngs modulus of a metre ruler 1076 words bartleby. Add masses in 100g increments, making note of the extension at each increase in mass. Young s modulus is the elastic modulus we use for deformation which takes place when a force which is parallel to the axis of the object is applied to one face while the opposite face is held fixed by another equal force. Young s modulus, or the young modulus, is a mechanical property that measures the stiffness of a solid material. This experiment makes use of traveling microscope to measure elongation of the wire. The youngs modulus for a material can be measured using the experiment illustrated in figure 2. I hope to find out the youngs modulus of a fishing wire nylon which 0. Stress is given by force over area fa and strain is given by the change in length over initial length. We know the weight from the number of masses placed on the holder at the end of the wire. We designed and con structed an apparatus to measure the youngs modulus of copper and steel wires. Find the stress, strain and youngs modulus of the material of the wire.

Youngs modulus by searles method experiment solved problems. Youngs modulus is defined as the ratio of tensile stress and tensile strain. Video of the experiment to determine the young s modulus of a metal wire using a. The weight to the wire in the youngs modulus experiment. Pdf determination of elastic modulus of steel wire ropes. Now, try to imagine this apparatus in front of you as it. Suspend a 1 kg hanger and eight 12 kg slotted weights from hook of frame f 1.

For 20 gauge copper wire the following experimental results produced a youngs modulus constant of 6063 mpa, or 6. Abstract experimental setup determining youngs modulus stress. When a rod or wire of length l and cross section ais under tension produced by a force f it will experience a change in length. Elasticity of materials and youngs modulus mercury. If a wire of length l and radius r be loaded by a weight mg and if l is the extension produced, then, normal stress 1 and longitudinal strain 2 hence, youngs modulus y where, l length of the wire l extension for a load m r radius of the wire. Video of the experiment to determine the youngs modulus of a metal wire using a. Youngs modulus measurement of copper wire is then measured, and the feasibility and repeatability of the method is also experimentally validated. We used the concept of hookes law, which states that in a certain range, the strain or deformation of a material is proportional to the stress applied to it. Aim to determine youngs modulus of elasticity of the material of a given wire. E youngs modulus of elasticity pa e1 first youngs modulus of elasticity pa e2 second youngs modulus of elasticity pa e3 third youngs modulus of elasticity pa f force applied n g acceleration due to gravity 9. When thinking about elasticity, think about a coiled metal spring or a rubber band. To determine the value of elastic constants for the material of a given wire by searle s method.

In the process, you will gain an understanding of the concepts of stress and strain. Our aim is to determine the youngs modulus of elasticity of the material of a given wire using searles apparatus. Measuring youngs modulus with metal flatstock semantic scholar. A device dubbed the youngs modulus apparatus was assembled for the purposes of this.

Evaluate a set of experimental data obtained during an experiment to determine the youngs modulus of a copper wire. Measure the initial length l of the test wire with the metre ruler. Substituting 2 in 1 and squaring,we get an expression for rigidity modulus for the suspension wire as, we can use the above formula directly if we calculate the moment of inertia of the disc,i as 12mr 2. In the searles method to determine the youngs modulus of a wire, a steel wire of length 1 5 6 c m and diameter 0. From that data you will compute young s modulus for copper and plot a stress vs strain graph. For 20 gauge copper wire the following experimental results produced a young s modulus constant of 6063 mpa, or 6. In any case, do not exceed a total suspended mass of 12 kg as the wire may break. I know that the youngs modulus is an intrinsic property of a object. Youngs modulus with that yield strain as the xintercept, and locating the point where this line intersected the stressstrain curve. If youre seeing this message, it means were having trouble loading external resources on our website. Youngs modulus experiment labappara scientific instrument.

Apr, 2010 young s modulus is a material property, measured from a cylindrically shaped test sample put under a known load, and the change in length is measured. When compared to the accepted value this represents a percent difference of. What value is obtained for the young modulus in the 2nd experiment. Initial length of wire l 2 m, diameter of wire 2 mm, radius of wire 22 1 mm 1. For example, in an experiment to determine the young modulus of copper using copper wire, it is important that the crosssectional area of the wire remain constant it would have a significant effect on the experiment otherwise. Starting with a suspended mass of 1 kg just the large mass hanger, measure and record the wire extension as a function of suspended mass in increments of 2 kg or 3kg, until the suspended mass reaches 11 kg.

A student performs an experiment to determine the young s modulus of a wire, exactly 2m long, by searle s method. To minimise errors the control wire is the same length, diameter and material as the test wire. Rigidity modulus of the suspension wire of a torsion pendulum. Manual hand operation may distort the structure while.

To determine youngs modulus of elasticity of the material. Then on its stressstrain curve, the wire must have. When compared to the accepted value this represents a percent difference of 94. Add 100g mass to each wire to ensure tautness and no kinks. So technically, the youngs modulus is whatever it is for the material that the wire mesh is made out of. For small x, there should be a linear relation, and the constant of proportionality is the youngs modulus y.

The basic principle is that a material undergoes elastic deformation when it is compressed or extended, returning to its original shape when the load is removed. In our method, a universal formula relating the bragg wavelength shift. Searles apparatus consists of two metal frames f1 and f2. In this experiment you will take measurements to determine the young modulus of a wire. In this video let s explore this thing called young s modulus which gives a relationship between the stress and strain for a given material. Now measure the length of the wire using a rule, this will be your original length. This was our first lab, and the goal was to determine youngs modulus of elasticity of a thin wire by stretching. This experiment did not directly measure any elasticity parameter, but only observed. Youngs modulus, numerical constant, named for the 18thcentury english physician and physicist thomas young, that describes the elastic properties of a solid undergoing tension or compression in only one direction, as in the case of a metal rod that after being stretched or compressed lengthwise returns to its original length. Youngs modulus, or the young modulus, is a mechanical property that measures the stiffness of a solid material. Although the masses used are not too heavy, you should still take care when adding and removing them. To determine youngs modulus of elasticity of the material of. Youngs modulus by searles method experiment solved. Pdf youngs modulus measurement of metal wires using fbg.

The values for yield stress and yield strain were used along with eqn. Experimental techniques to determine the youngs modulus of. The theory before we move ahead, do you know what a searles apparatus is. Calculate the youngs modulus of the wire using the formula, y mgl. Then i repeated this experiment 3 times so that the results. Half the diameter to get radius, from there you can calculate the crosssectional area. In this lab you will measure the youngs modulus of a metal wire. A simple experiment for determining the elastic constant of a fine wire, the physics teacher 45, p. Youngs modulus, the bulk modulus, and the shear modulus describe the response of an object when subjected to tensile, compressional, and shear stresses, respectively. I did an experiment using a table clamp weights pulley and coper wire to deermine the young modulus of copper wire, however now i have to analyse the experiment and talki about what sort of errors there could be in my measurement and im not exactly sure what im meant to right, please help.

To determine the resistance per unit length of the bridge wire by carey foster method and hence to. Stress, strain, youngs modulus problems and solutions. A student performs an experiment to determine the youngs modulus of a wire, exactly 2m long, by searles method. View notes young s modulus report from language 100 at guangdong university of foreign studies. This document is highly rated by jee students and has been viewed 14 times.

How to determine youngs modulus of a wire by searles method. Youngs modulus is a material property, measured from a cylindrically shaped test sample put under a known load, and the change in length is measured. Activityforces, elasticity, stress, strain and youngs modulus handout 2 elasticity and youngs modulus elasticity describes a material property in which the material returns to its original shape after stress has been applied and then removed. Equation relating the period of oscillation t to the overhanging length l of the ruler is. How to determine young modulus of a wire by experiment. When a spring is loaded with a certain mass,it oscillates in a vertical plane. Determination of youngs modulus and poissons ratio using. Finally, if enough stress is applied, the wire will sag and break point d on the graph. Dec 15, 2017 video of the experiment to determine the young s modulus of a metal wire using a travelling microscope. I did an experiment to find the youngs modulus of a copper wire, which was resulted to be 27. Determination of the young modulus by a simple method. Youngs modules objective to study the stress and strain of the material, to study the.

Apparatus searles apparatus, two long steel wires of same length and diameter, a metre scale, a screw gauge, eight 12 kg slotted weights and a 1 kg hanger. Note that in the diagram, since the wire is not moving, there is a downward force f on the bottom face which is not shown. Determination of youngs modulus and poissons ratio using cornus method mahesh gandikota y1011025. It defines the relationship between stress force per unit area and strain proportional deformation in a material in the linear elasticity regime of a uniaxial deformation youngs modulus is named after the 19thcentury british scientist thomas young. To verify your result click on the show result check box. Differences in the shape and limits of the stressstrain diagram determines whether a material is considered ductile or brittle, elastic or plastic. To determine youngs modulus of elasticity of the material of a given wire. The authors suggested application of singleslit diffraction in searles apparatus to improve measurement accuracy of youngs modulus.

A student performs an experiment to determine the youngs modulus of a wire, exactly 2 m long, by searles method. Our aim is to determine the youngs modulus of elasticity of the material of a. Now stretch the wire by hanging weights force and measure the new length of the wire. The bigger youngs modulus is the stiffer is the material since for the same fractional change in length strain you will need a bigger force stress. Youngs modulus is a measure of the ability of a material to.

To determine the youngs modulus of a steel wire using a graphical method. Nov 12, 2019 a wire 2 m long and 2 mm in diameter, when stretched by weight of 8 kg has its length increased by 0. A wire 2 m long and 2 mm in diameter, when stretched by weight of 8 kg has its length increased by 0. I did an experiment to find the youngs modulus of a copper wire, which was resulted to be.

In part ii of this lab, you will hang weights on a copper wire and measure the stress and strain. Export product details as pdf file has been powered by woocommerce pdf. In this experiment i am going to determine the youngs modulus e of wood from the period of oscillation of a loaded wooden ruler. It defines the relationship between stress force per unit area and strain proportional deformation in a material in the linear elasticity regime of a uniaxial deformation. Wire ab becomes experimental wire and wire cd becomes auxiliary wire. A string has a diameter of 1 cm and the original length of 2 m. Forces, elasticity, stress, strain and youngs modulus. Uncertainty to minimise errors the control wire is the same length, diameter and material as the test wire. Young modulus of elasticity what sort of errors can occur.

Rigidity modulus of the suspension wire of a torsion. Experimental techniques to determine the youngs modulus. To determine the rigidity modulus of the suspension wire using torsion pendulum. As the shown in figure 1 the sample was never taken past the elastic region. Elasticity of materials and youngs modulus description in this lab you will measure the youngs modulus of a metal wire. Determine the young modulus of a material objective to take measurements of a long wire to determine the young modulus for copper safety the wire will be under tension so safety spectacles should be worn. In a particular reading, the student measures the extension in the length of the wire to be 0. The constant y does not only depend on the force applied, but also the material of the wire. Wires were held taut at one end with clamped wooden. Youngs modulus of fishing wire abstract i have found out that there is a reduction in errors when there are accurate ways of measuring used such as using a micrometre instead of vernier caliphers and using a wire with a smaller diameter means we can be more accurate with measuring the youngs modulus of a fishing wire. Youngs modulus experiment appliedstatics eme1016 mmu. Calculate the extension, l, of the wire form the values. The weight to the wire in the youngs modulus experiment is slowly increased.

For a beam of rectangular crosssection with breadth b and thickness d, the moment of inertia i, is i bd312 5 the moment of force restoring couple is y. Youngs modulus of fishing wire abstract i have found out that there is a reduction in errors when there are accurate ways of measuring used such as using a micrometre instead of vernier caliphers and using a wire with a smaller diameter means we can be more accurate with measuring the youngs. The writeup of this experiment is given in a pdf document. Write a brief risk assessment for this experiment, highlighting precautions and any additional safety. Equipment youngs modulus apparatus weights 4 2kg, 2 1kg, and 1kg of smaller weights micrometer laboratory. Youngs modulus is used practically in a variety of settings, but one interesting application is the need for engineers. Another experiment is carried out using a wire of the same steel, but of half the length and half the diameter. Purpose this experiment is designed to determine youngs modulus for a wire when it is stretched. Video of the experiment to determine the youngs modulus of a metal wire using a travelling microscope. It relates stress force per unit area to strain proportional deformation along an axis or line.

In this video lets explore this thing called youngs modulus which gives a relationship between the stress and strain for a given material. Results of the youngs modulus by the pressure difference method71. An improvement of searles method is suggested by b. When an object such as a wire or a rod is subjected to a tension, the objects length increases. It is found that the wire started elongating of its own accord.

An apparatus to measure youngs modulus michael cantor and martin dewitt, department of chemistry and physics, high point university, high point, nc abstract youngs modulus, a measure of the deformation of a material in response to an applied force, is an integral variable to consider when designing and engineering systems such as buildings. Modulus of elasticity of steel wire rope elastic modulus is a characteristic value, which is important not only for users of the steel rope, but also for designers of machines and machinery that. At as, its a wellknown experiment to measure the young modulus of a material like copper which is quite stretchy k small, in other words. Youngs modulus and determination of youngs modulus. There is an alternative experiment to measure youngs modulus. The experiment is repeated now for the weight 300g. To find the diameter of the wire using a screw gauge. An experiment to find out the rigidity modulus of the suspension wire of a torsion pendulum in different environments. So, to measure y we need to determine the extension x of the wire as a function of the weight. Youngs modulus of the material of a beam by method of bending of beam duration. Youngs modulus measurement of metal wires using fbg. I did this by finding the length of the copper wire i used for the experiment i was doing and adding 1. Elastic constants for the material of a given wire by searle. Evaluation worksheet for youngs modulus experiment.

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